Charities need you
Donating to charities is now free. We provide a gateway to top websites and a better future, helping millions of people and environments for free, with just a click.
Support Charities
By using our links, and purchasing from your favourite websites, you help raise money for charities dedicated to improving lives and environments worldwide. This is acheived through affiliate programs that pay us a certain portion of your purchase cost that we can then donate. By doing this we can help people, to help others, with an absolute minimum of 75% of all the money we recieve going directly to charity. With the remaining funds supporting our buisness through ways of advertising, staff wages and other costs such as website hosting and domain registration. Help us make a difference with every click.
About us
Link To Charity is a New Zealand-originated affiliate business. We connect you with reputable charities, allowing you to support important causes through your online activity. Our platform makes it easy to contribute to charity without extra cost. By using our links, you help drive donations directly to those in need. Join us in making a difference today.
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